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参加日: 2022年5月13日


Proteus 7 Professional Full Version Free Download [Latest-2022]




This tool has been designed to be used by engineers to simulate a full System-on-chip (SoC) with the possibility of debugging the SoC at the same time. The simulation of the full SoC is based on an expert design that should use existing libraries for design verification. Using the so-called Enigma emulation, the simulation engine can simulate a Microprocessor on the design. The simulation can be done in standalone mode, using an external simulator. The simulation starts with an initialization phase where the model of the SoC is generated, the microprocessor, the FPGA or FPGA-based peripheral IP is loaded and the Clock (CLK) distribution circuit is inserted. The next phase is the execution of the SoC, starting with the simulation of the microprocessor and the FPGA. Then the FPGA and other peripherals can be simulated in the clock-driven mode. This sequence of phases can be used to test the power consumption and to check if the peripheral IP-based components are working correctly. The emulation is based on a core hardware-programmable microcontroller called , which is the same model that has been used for the real-time simulation [@jaeger2014simulation]. This core processor (or the SoC is an intellectual property) simulates all components as they would be in a final SoC. The process of creating a model using the Compiler is done in a somewhat interactive way. In a first phase, the engineer defines the circuit layout, the behavior of the FPGA, the dataflow and the power consumption of the microprocessor. In the second phase, the Compiler creates the Model, which is a hardware description of the circuit. In the third phase, the engineer can test the layout, the FPGA behaviour and the power consumption of the microprocessor. ![Using Proteus 7.0 for System Level Design.[]{data-label="fig:usingproteus"}](Graphics/Design/UsingProteus.pdf){width="48.00000%"} To emulate the design as it would be in the SoC, Proteus uses a proximity search method that searches for already existing components. Thus, the further work is limited to the creation of the Model. The model is uploaded in



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